New Family Constellations
according to Bert Hellinger

"We are in the soul, not the soul in us." Bert Hellinger

The idea that we are individuals who make decisions independently and are responsible for our own lives and happiness seems to be an illusion: We can observe, for example, how relationships have an impact everywhere in our lives - whether we want them to or not. We are variously and deeply connected to our fellow human beings, especially strongly to our parents and family, but also to larger groups like a religion or our nation. These connections are largely unconscious. They give us strength, but they can also constrict us and make us sick. For example, there are dynamics in families that pull us away from life. In family constellations we observe that people sometimes take over unresolved suffering from their ancestors and carry it on in their lives - especially if these ancestors were excluded from a family or group, were not allowed to be there, for whatever reason.
In the new family constellation we work on a level that goes beyond the field of a group, into a greater love, so to speak. Through this, movements of reconciliation and liberation become possible, allowing us to grow beyond the patterns of our family or group that are opposed to our life and growth.

What are New Family Constellations?

Bert Hellinger called his late work "New Family Constellations". It works on a completely different level than "traditional" family constellations. Christian Adolphy was a student of Bert Hellinger from 1999 until 2018 and is one of the few facilitators who is consistently practices this "new" family constellation. Hellinger developed this work from an initial family therapy context into a much broader, independent work. In the process, it has become ever denser and deeper, stripped of every technique, as it were, and concentrated on the essentials.

In New Family Constellations we work out of an inner composure. There is little talking. We expose ourselves to a situation as it is: without judgement, without intention, without fear, without wanting to help. In this way, a wide space can open up in which healing movements become possible in the field of a family, an organisation or an individual, for example through the movements of the representatives. Constellations, exercises and meditations are made in this sense. Participants can bring personal concerns about family, relationships, health or work.



Currently, events are in German language only (see here).  On request Christian Adolphy will be happy to conduct seminars in English (or in any other language, if a translator is provided).


Individual work

I also work with you individually by phone or video meeting in German or English. 

Please contact me


Notes: Participation in the seminar or in an individual session is at the participants' own risk. The seminar is neither a therapy nor a treatment. 


Christian Adolphy, born 1966 in Landau/Germany

1990-1999 Teacher training and management of a school for Qi Gong and Tai Chi in Frankfurt/Main

1999 Due to an illness I had to give up my profession. On this path and the search for healing, I met Bert Hellinger in a seminar in Berlin. This encounter had a lasting effect on me and healed me.

2000-2006 Various seminars in family constellations with Bert Hellinger and other teachers.

2007-2018 Training by Bert Hellinger at the Hellingerschule, regular participation in seminars with Bert Hellinger and other teachers of the Hellingerschule.

Since 2010 I have been teaching constellation seminars.

Other teachers in family constellations were: G. Dietrich Weth, Eva Reuter, Gerhart Walper, Joel Weser.

Since 2013 I have also been working with the work of Christian Meyer "The path of inner experience".

Since 2018 I have been an instructor at the Berlin Institute for Depth Psychology and Existential Psychotherapy Karen Horney Institut e.V. (Bitep), under the direction of Dipl.-Psych. Christian Meyer

© Christian Adolphy 2021-2023. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

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